
Joakim Medin is a Swedish journalist, author, lecturer and photographer based in Sweden. Originally a secondary school teacher, I did my first work as a journalist during the coup d’etat in Honduras in 2009. I have a deep interest in investigative journalism and foreign reporting and mostly write on the ground stories about democracy development, politics, populism and extremism, human rights, armed conflicts, refugee crisis and poverty related topics.
I have written six published books, co-authored several anthology books and several reports. I also lecture a lot about my field of work, my profession and my discoveries.
Press Photos of Joakim Medin
Download Press Photo 1 (Photographer: Daniel Wiklander/Scoop), Press Photo 2 (Photographer: Kristian Borg) and Press Photo 3 (Photographer: Sabri Omar).
Published in
International: Der Spiegel (DE), Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (DE), BBC News Middle East (GBR), Daily Mail (GBR), VICE News (USA), Weltwoche (SUI), ARA News (NL), Information (DK), Klassekampen (NO), Hufvudstadsbladet (FI), Inforpress Centroamericana (GUA), and more.
Sweden: Aftonbladet, Dagens Nyheter, Svenska Dagbladet, Expressen, Dagens ETC, Amnesty Press, Paper of the Swedish Church, Fokus, Blank Spot Project, and more.
– Master of Arts in Journalism, Uppsala University
– Bachelor of Arts in History, Uppsala University
– Bachelor of Arts in Political Science (missing one exam), Uppsala University
– Master of Arts in Education – Second Level, Uppsala University
– Safety course ”Protection against risks in conflict areas” (HEAT certified), Folke Bernadotte Academy, Sweden
– The courses ”Photography I” and ”Photography II”, Photographic Academy, Stockholm